Gain access to a comprehensive database of promising startups in our Startup Directory.
Connect with diverse investors, entrepreneurs, and experts, fostering valuable relationships.
Access exclusive insights on market trends, investment opportunities, and startups from experts.
Let Axel’s team scout and screen startups for you. We support the whole process of deal-formation, SPV creation and deal closure.
Gain access to exclusive investment opportunities available only to members of Axel's closed club.
Join investment syndicates with reputable individuals, leveraging collective expertise for greater impact.
Attend Axel's investor-only closed events for a unique and enriching experience, enhancing your investment journey.
Access educational materials, workshops, and events to enhance investment skills.
Experience a tailored and individualized approach to membership, ensuring your unique needs and preferences are met.
Access exclusive insights and analysis from industry experts on market trends, investment opportunities, and tech. startups.
Play a significant role in advancing the Georgian startup ecosystem and supporting promising entrepreneurs on their path to success.
Gain access to events and gatherings hosted by EBAN and GBAN, and participate in their events as a delegation representing Axel.